Sunday, April 17, 2011

Asking God For What We Want

PSALM 37:4

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

We want another baby. We have been afraid to ask for a baby - there are too many obstacles to overcome. We do not have the finances necessary to have a 3rd child. We do not have the room in our home for a 3rd child, but we could work it out if we HAD to. The BIGGEST obstacle is our financial situation and my age - I will be 36 years old on Friday.

A good friend asked me this week, "Why are you afraid to ask God for a baby, or for your financial situation to improve? Do you think that He, the Creator of the Universe, cannot help you? Do you think that He cannot change your circumstances? Do you think that your problems are too difficult for Him to overcome?"

Ummmmm..........I had to think about it. Then I replied with a feeble, "no".

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became. What if it is God's will for me to have another baby? Wouldn't He be able to orchestrate my life in such a way as to make that dream possible? Of course! So, I began to pray - for the first time in a LONG time - I prayed for.....MYSELF.

I prayed for something that I WANT, not something that someone else needs. It was a stretch for me. I am not used to asking for things that I WANT. I have asked for things that I need before, but NEVER anything that I want. It feels a little selfish, and yet, freeing at the same time.

Matthew 7:7-8

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

I am not naive enough to think that God's will for our lives is to DEFINITELY place another miracle baby in our arms, but I do know this:

If we don't ASK, then we can't expect to RECEIVE.

So, beginning today, we are praying for the Lord to grant us the ability to have a 3rd baby by providing the wisdom that we need to get out of debt. We are praying for the Lord to bless us with a healthy boy or girl - a Colin Robert or a Kaylyn Claire. We can't wait to see what the Lord's plan is for our lives in this area!


  1. Praying with you sweet Kristina!

    I understand how difficult it can be to pray for something we want.

    (julied on PAI)

  2. Kristina, I know how you feel. We are financially unable to afford a 3rd child - especially the expense of another adoption. We would have to bunk kids together and possibly have a bigger car.

    But I'm trusting. We are just waiting for God to give us a sign for which way he wants us to go and we're ready to take off. Until then we are waiting (im)patiently. I know we were meant to have more's all a matter of God's timing.

    So right now we're praying for the financial situation to ease up. We're praying for the kids to be receptive to a new child. And we're praying for God to give us a clear "starting mark" for this leg of our journey. Right now I'd say we're in training. :)

    Praying for you!

  3. Very nice Kristina. I don't know what God has in store for you either but I do know that we can trust him with everything in our lives.
    BTW: I love the name Fiona!

  4. Kristina I LOVE that you are doing this blog and after reading what you wrote I too am going to just come out and ask for God to bless us with another baby. I dont ever think to just blatantly ask God for another baby but why not? I will be following your blog and praying for you along your journey to Fiona or Colin. ;) By the way....Reese's middle name is Kathryn (after my grandma) so I LOVE that middle name. :)

  5. Praying that the desires of your heart be met but if not that the Lord will give you a peace!
    LOVE YOU!!

  6. Great post. God is our Father and He delights in giving us good things
